Well, we have been open for 1 month. And what a month!
We’ve got 14 “excellent” reviews on TripAdvisor and 8 “5 out of 5” recommendations on Facebook. Thanks so much to everyone who’s gone out of their way to leave a review!
We feel like it’s been a pretty successful month all in all and we are glad that all our lovely customers seem to be loving the restaurant. We’re looking forward to bringing loads more improvements to you guys as the time goes on.
One thing we are going to be working on is this blog! Stay tuned for our updates where we’ll be sharing info about the restaurant, our pies, beers, cocktails, staff, and partners. If we have any special deals or promotions you’ll find them here!
We also want to share news and events from around the beautiful town of Lagos, and share info on all the other excellent businesses that we share the town with. We’ve been lucky enough to experience the support of all the Lagos Locals, and want to celebrate the culture of supporting local businesses - something Lagos does uniquely well.
So - welcome to our new website and new blog! See you soon!
Introducing the PIE team!